Friday, October 2, 2009

Synchro?? how is it Related to stepper motor!!!!!

A SYNCHRO is a motor like device containing a rotor and a stator and capable of converting an angular position into an electrical signal, or an electrical signal into an angular position. A Synchro can provide an electrical output (at the Stator) representing its shaft position or it can provide a mechanical indication of shaft position in response to an applied electrical input to its stator winding.


A stepper motor is a “digital” version of the electric motor. The rotor moves in discrete steps as commanded, rather than rotating continuously like a conventional motor. When stopped but energized, a stepper (short for stepper motor) holds its load steady with a holding torque. Wide spread acceptance of the stepper motor within the last two decades was driven by the ascendancy of digital electronics. Modern solid state driver electronics was a key to its success. And, microprocessors readily interface to stepper motor driver circuits.


Incremental encoders !!!!!!!!!

Incremental encoders are position feedback devices that provides incremental counts. Thus, incremental encodersprovide relative position, where the feedback signal is always referenced to a start or home position. Forincrementalencoders, each mechanical position is uniquely defined. The current position sensed is only incremental from the last position sensed. Incremental encoders are also non-contacting optical, rotary, quadrature output device. •Theseincremental encodersare also called optical encoders or optical incremental encoders because they utilizes optical technology. Optical incremental encoders are highly sort after as position feedback devices due to its durability and ability to achieve high resolution. Avago’s optical incremental encoders are exceptionally recognized for its reliability and accuracy.

Poles and Zeros

Poles and Zeros of a transfer function are the frequencies for which the value of the transfer function becomes infinity or zero respectively. The values of the poles and the zeros of a system determine whether the system is stable, and how well the system performs. Control systems, in the most simple sense, can be designed simply by assigning specific values to the poles and zeros of the system. Let’s say we have a transfer function defined as a ratio of two polynomials:


Where N(s) and D(s) are simple polynomials. Zeros are the roots of N(s) (the numerator of the transfer function) obtained by setting N(s) = 0 and solving for s.Poles are the roots of D(s) (the denominator of the transfer function), obtained by setting D(s) = 0 and solving for s. [1]

The poles and zeros are properties of the transfer function, and therefore of the differential equation describing the input-output system dynamics. Together with the gain constant K they completely characterize the differential equation, and provide a complete description of the system. A system is characterized by its poles and zeros in the sense that they allow reconstruction of the input/output differential equation. In general the system dynamics may be represented graphically by plotting their locations on the complex s-plane, whose axes represent the real and imaginary parts of the complex variable s (pole-zero plots). For the stability of a linear system, all of its poles must have negative real parts,that is they must all lie within the left-half of the s-plane. A system having one or more poles lying on the imaginary axis of the s-plane has non-decaying oscillatory components in its homogeneous response, and is defined to be marginally stable. [2]

Effect of Adding a Zero

Consider the second-order system given by:

G(s) =1 / ((s+p1)(s+p2)) p1 > 0, p2 > 0

The poles are given by s = –p1 and s = –p2 and the simple root locus plot for this system is shown in Figure . When we add a zero at s = –z1 to the controller, the open-loop transfer function will change to:

G1(s) =K(s+z1) / ((s+p1)(s+p2)) , z1>0

adding zeroEffect of adding a zero to a second-order system root locus.

We can put the zero at three different positions with respect to the poles:

1. To the right of s = –p1 Figure (b)

2. Between s = –p2 and s = –p1 Figure (c)

3. To the left of s = –p2 Figure (d)

(a) The zero s = –z1 is not present.

For different values of K, the system can have two real poles or a pair of complex conjugate poles. Thus K for the system can be overdamped, critically damped or underdamped.

(b) The zero s = –z1 is located to the right of both poles, s = – p2and s = –p1.

Here, the system can have only real poles. Hence only one value for Kto make the system overdamped exists. Thus the pole–zero configuration is even more restricted than in case (a). Therefore this may not be a good location for our zero,

since the time response will become slower.

(c) The zero s = –z1 is located between s = –p2 and s = –p1.

This case provides a root locus on the real axis. The responses are therefore limited to overdamped responses. It is a slightly better location than (b), since faster responses are possible due to the dominant pole (pole nearest to jω-axis) lying further from the jω-axis than the dominant pole in (b).

(d) The zero s = –z1 is located to the left of s = –p2.

By placing the zero to the left of both poles, the vertical branches of case (a) are bent backward and one end approaches the zero and the other moves to infinity on the real axis. With this configuration, we can now change the damping ratio and the natural frequency . The closed-loop pole locations can lie further to the left than s = –p2, which will provide faster time responses. This structure therefore gives a more flexible configuration for control design. We can see that the resulting closed-loop pole positions are considerably influenced by the position of this zero. Since there is a relationship between the position of closed-loop poles and the system time domain performance, we can therefore modify the behaviour of closed-loop system by introducing appropriate zeros in the controller

Sunday, July 26, 2009


A typical industrial robotic controller consists of twocontroller levels, a system level controller and servo loopcontrollers. The system level controller calculates the setpoints for each servo loop controller. Various types ofcontrol algorithms can be used to generate the set pointssuch as position, velocity or torque. The servo loopcontrollers perform low level control on each of the robot'sactuators. A 6 degree of freedom robot requires 6 servocontrollers.The University of Texas at Austin Robotics ResearchGroup is engaged in research which demonstrates that anindustrial robot can be utilized in precision light machiningwithout jigs [l] and for other high value added processes.The robot used by the Robotics Research Group is aCincinnati Milacfon Inc. (CMI) T3-776 heavy dutyindustrial robot. The robot's factory controller consists of aCMI ACRAMATIC version 4 system controller and CMISilicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) servo loop controllers 'Ws work was qqmcted in pnrt by the State dTexas un&r ATPGrant No.4679 and U. S. Depaament d Energy under Grant No. DE--86NE379966 which are manufactured by Siemens. It became apparentthat the existing system controller of the T3-776 was notcapable of executing complex control strategies.Most current industrial robot system controllers aredesigned for a particular machine. Each brand and, in somecases, model of robot has a different controller architecture.Thus control algorithms designed for one robot cannotnecessarily be ported to anothex. The Robotics ResearchGroup decided to replace the system controller with a highspeedgeneric controller which can be interfad to almostany robot with minimal changes to the system architecture.The new system controller, the Multi-Channel RoboticController (MCRC), by-passed the ACRAMATIC controllerby interfacing to the robot's sensors and outputting thecommand set points directly U, the Semen servo loopControllers. After the initial upgrade of the systemcontroller, it became apparent that the servo controllers werea major bottleneck in the robot's performance. Theremaining sections in this paper will discuss the new systemcontroller, the new servo controllers, and the robot'sperformance enhancements due to these new controllers.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


A system for the automatic control of motion by means of feedback. The term servomechanism, or servo for short, is sometimes used interchangeably with feedback control system (servosystem). In a narrower sense, servomechanism refers to the feedback control of a single variable (feedback loop or servo loop). In the strictest sense, the term servomechanism is restricted to a feedback loop in which the controlled quantity or output is mechanical position or one of its derivatives (velocity and acceleration).
The purpose of a servomechanism is to provide one or more of the following objectives: (1) accurate control of motion without the need for human attendants (automatic control); (2) maintenance of accuracy with mechanical load variations, changes in the environment, power supply fluctuations, and aging and deterioration of components (regulation and self-calibration); (3) control of a high-power load from a low-power command signal (power amplification); (4) control of an output from a remotely located input, without the use of mechanical linkages (remote control, shaft repeater).
The illustration shows the basic elements of a servomechanism and their interconnections; in this type of block diagram the connection between elements is such that only a unidirectional cause-and-effect action takes place in the direction shown by the arrows. The arrows form a closed path or loop; hence this is a single-loop servomechanism or, simply, a servo loop. More complex servomechanisms may have two or more loops (multiloop servo), and a complete control system may contain many servomechanisms.
Servomechanisms were first used in speed governing of engines, automatic steering of ships, automatic control of guns, and electromechanical analog computers. Today, servomechanisms are employed in almost every industrial field. Among the applications are cutting tools for discrete parts manufacturing, rollers in sheet and web processes, elevators, automobile and aircraft engines, robots, remote manipulators and teleoperators, telescopes, antennas, space vehicles, mechanical knee and arm prostheses, and tape, disk, and film drives.

Cincinnati Milacron T3 Industrial Robot
This robot is a more classically designed industrial robot. Designed as a healthy compromise between dexterity and strength this robot was one of the ground breakers, in terms of success, in factory environments. However, while this robot was a success in industry its inflexible interfacing system makes it difficult to use in research.
This robot is used most heavily by students taking Dr. Delbert Tesar's "Robotics and Automation" course (ME 372J) from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Texas at Austin.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
